Friday, September 7, 2007

Senior year!!

so far senior year has been so much fun. we had senior hill on the first day of school and at our first rally we werereally spirited. its really weird to be the oldest one on campus and see all the small frershmen everywhere. then we had the sock hop which is always the best dance ever. my classses are super easy and my teachers are really wekk we have senior picnic and im so excited itsweird to start thinking about filing out college applications and stuff cuz you really realize that this is your last year of high school and then after that is college and then your own your own its exciting and scary at the same time im jsut really excited for the rest of my last year in high school :)


X-tina said...

Aww, Senior year is the best! That pic from Senior Hill is so cute!! Have fun applying for colleges..haha.

lauren said...

you and your friends are so cute. tell them i say hello. seriously, dont forget. when youre at lunch just say lauren wallace says hello.