Sunday, September 16, 2007

childlike faith

so like 2 weeks ago i was babysitting and this thing happened and its really been on my mind alot lately so i thought i would share. so this is what happened it was short and simply but really had a lasting affect. ok so i was babysitting and the tv wasnt working so i was trying to get it to work for like 30 minutes and i was so frustrated that it wasnt working. and the little boy was like i know what to do. and i was like what!? nothing is working and he was like we need to pray to jesus. and i said i dont know if jesus fixes tv's. haha im all laughing thinking this is pointless. so we pray and i try to turn on the tv and it works!!! and i was like wow no way. and this got me thinking who am i to underestimate the power of god almitey master of the universe and it just got me thinking that i need to have a childlike faith and believe that jesus can do anything if we believe. so this has been on my heart lately to just trust and pray to god about everything. and lately i have just been witnessing so many answered prayers its amazing : )

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

senior picnic

senior picnic was sooooo fun. i was partying it up at waterworld. so that was today i woke up 5 minutes before i had to go to school and then today i had to swim in pe at school and my eyes are in extreme pain from the chlorine so today was not a good day. tomorrow should be better i hope. haha

Friday, September 7, 2007

Senior year!!

so far senior year has been so much fun. we had senior hill on the first day of school and at our first rally we werereally spirited. its really weird to be the oldest one on campus and see all the small frershmen everywhere. then we had the sock hop which is always the best dance ever. my classses are super easy and my teachers are really wekk we have senior picnic and im so excited itsweird to start thinking about filing out college applications and stuff cuz you really realize that this is your last year of high school and then after that is college and then your own your own its exciting and scary at the same time im jsut really excited for the rest of my last year in high school :)